kaito kid
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Sherlock Holmes
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« Risposta #15 inserita:: Lunedì 01 Ottobre 2007, 19:10:59 » |
Shiho,What is the german form of "Phantom thief"?
 If you can't see me... you don't believe in magic...and I'm a Magician!   
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« Risposta #16 inserita:: Domenica 28 Ottobre 2007, 17:06:39 » |
I know: zutaten-ingredients citronen-limone kartoffen-potatoes verboten-forbidden lol ...thats sooo sweet xDD <3 iam sure it will help you if you want to cook ^ __ ^
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« Risposta #17 inserita:: Domenica 28 Ottobre 2007, 17:11:47 » |
Shiho,What is the german form of "Phantom thief"? if i would translate it word for word it would be in german -> Phantom Dieb But we call Kaito Kid by the name -> Meisterdieb (1412) (in engl. translated word for word - thief master (1412) ) ^ __ ^ allright?
葛城 綺麗 [Katsuragi Kirei]
Sherlock Holmes
Karma: 314
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Evening baroness (O_o)
« Risposta #18 inserita:: Domenica 28 Ottobre 2007, 18:03:24 » |
Shiho,What is the german form of "Phantom thief"? if i would translate it word for word it would be in german -> Phantom Dieb But we call Kaito Kid by the name -> Meisterdieb (1412) (in engl. translated word for word - thief master (1412) ) ^ __ ^ allright? Yes, it's true! In german "thief" is "dieb(en)"! I learnt it watching "Kamikaze kaitou Jeanne" on RTL 2, that in German was "Jeanne die kamikaze dieben"! XD I learn languages thanks to anime and manga! XD
    My dcktss familyLucaLX (fratello gemello dinastico) Meitantei94 (fratello) Kristal (cognata; cugina) kudo (fratello) Court (cugina) ladyhattori (cugina) alfio (cugino) Silvy93 (cugina)
kaito kid
Staff forum
Sherlock Holmes
Karma: 34
Messaggi: 654
Il mago del cielo d'argento !!!
« Risposta #19 inserita:: Domenica 28 Ottobre 2007, 18:15:48 » |
Shiho,What is the german form of "Phantom thief"? if i would translate it word for word it would be in german -> Phantom Dieb But we call Kaito Kid by the name -> Meisterdieb (1412) (in engl. translated word for word - thief master (1412) ) ^ __ ^ allright? Thaks!!! 
 If you can't see me... you don't believe in magic...and I'm a Magician!   
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« Risposta #20 inserita:: Lunedì 29 Ottobre 2007, 19:27:18 » |
Shiho,What is the german form of "Phantom thief"? if i would translate it word for word it would be in german -> Phantom Dieb But we call Kaito Kid by the name -> Meisterdieb (1412) (in engl. translated word for word - thief master (1412) ) ^ __ ^ allright? Yes, it's true! In german "thief" is "dieb(en)"! I learnt it watching "Kamikaze kaitou Jeanne" on RTL 2, that in German was "Jeanne die kamikaze dieben"! XD I learn languages thanks to anime and manga! XD thats great ^^ i remember that you told me that your watching german tv sometimes xD hehe... thats one more way how you can learn a language - learning while watching...lol ( ^ ___ ^ ) <3
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« Risposta #21 inserita:: Lunedì 29 Ottobre 2007, 20:04:36 » |
would you like to say something about yourself in german now ? words that you need for that do you have as help in my first post : D
i will start,so that you can see how it will looks like to write something about yourself in whole german sentences ^ __ ^ <3
Hallo,mein Name ist Shiho. Ich bin sechszehn(16) Jahre alt und komme aus Deutschland. : D
[i:fc4e5]english translation:[/i:fc4e5] Hello,my name is Shiho. Iam sixteen (16) years old and I come from Germany. : D
葛城 綺麗 [Katsuragi Kirei]
Sherlock Holmes
Karma: 314
Messaggi: 3.482
Evening baroness (O_o)
« Risposta #22 inserita:: Martedì 30 Ottobre 2007, 19:16:06 » |
would you like to say something about yourself in german now ? words that you need for that do you have as help in my first post : D
i will start,so that you can see how it will looks like to write something about yourself in whole german sentences ^ __ ^ <3
Hallo,mein Name ist Shiho. Ich bin sechszehn(16) Jahre alt und komme aus Deutschland. : D
[i:30d24]english translation:[/i:30d24] Hello,my name is Shiho. Iam sixteen (16) years old and I come from Germany. : D Useful! How can I say "I'm 25"?
    My dcktss familyLucaLX (fratello gemello dinastico) Meitantei94 (fratello) Kristal (cognata; cugina) kudo (fratello) Court (cugina) ladyhattori (cugina) alfio (cugino) Silvy93 (cugina)
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« Risposta #23 inserita:: Martedì 30 Ottobre 2007, 19:50:53 » |
would you like to say something about yourself in german now ? words that you need for that do you have as help in my first post : D
i will start,so that you can see how it will looks like to write something about yourself in whole german sentences ^ __ ^ <3
Hallo,mein Name ist Shiho. Ich bin sechszehn(16) Jahre alt und komme aus Deutschland. : D
[i:3fcb3]english translation:[/i:3fcb3] Hello,my name is Shiho. Iam sixteen (16) years old and I come from Germany. : D Useful! How can I say "I'm 25"? ou...did i forgott to write this number on my first post  i will write it down there yet  eh.. 25?...25 means fünfundzwanzig <- ^^...if you watch at the numbers in german you will see that you just have to conect some words i will explain it to you - its like that -> five means fünf in german twenty means zwanzig in german and now you just have to put a "and" between this two words wich means "und" in german -> so it has to be written in german like that : fünfundzwanzig <- tadaaaaaaa 
Sherlock Holmes
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« Risposta #24 inserita:: Martedì 30 Ottobre 2007, 20:32:33 » |
five means fünf in german twenty means zwanzig in german and now you just have to put a "and" between this two words wich means "und" in german -> so it has to be written in german like that : fünfundzwanzig <- tadaaaaaaa  It is very complicated for me... But I can learn it...
  Trovo che la televisione sia uno strumento molto educativo: ogni volta che qualcuno l'accende vado nella stanza accanto a leggere un libro. All'infuori del cane, il libro è il migliore amico dell'uomo. Dentro il cane è troppo scuro per leggere "E il leopardo giacerà con il capretto..." Isaia 11:6 "...ma il capretto dormirà ben poco" Woddy Allen
Sherlock Holmes
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« Risposta #25 inserita:: Martedì 30 Ottobre 2007, 20:34:45 » |
five means fünf in german twenty means zwanzig in german and now you just have to put a "and" between this two words wich means "und" in german -> so it has to be written in german like that : fünfundzwanzig <- tadaaaaaaa  It is very complicated for me... But I can learn it... What is the longest word in German?
Ci sono tanti motivi per voler uccidere una persona, ma non ce ne deve essere obbligatoriamente uno per salvarla -Edogawa Conan-   
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« Risposta #26 inserita:: Mercoledì 31 Ottobre 2007, 16:52:34 » |
five means fünf in german twenty means zwanzig in german and now you just have to put a "and" between this two words wich means "und" in german -> so it has to be written in german like that : fünfundzwanzig <- tadaaaaaaa  It is very complicated for me... But I can learn it... What is the longest word in German? intresting question clacsabula : ) i never tought about that before so i dont know it yet ^^'
葛城 綺麗 [Katsuragi Kirei]
Sherlock Holmes
Karma: 314
Messaggi: 3.482
Evening baroness (O_o)
« Risposta #27 inserita:: Giovedì 01 Novembre 2007, 16:34:16 » |
ou...did i forgott to write this number on my first post  i will write it down there yet  eh.. 25?...25 means fünfundzwanzig <- ^^...if you watch at the numbers in german you will see that you just have to conect some words i will explain it to you - its like that -> five means fünf in german twenty means zwanzig in german and now you just have to put a "and" between this two words wich means "und" in german -> so it has to be written in german like that : fünfundzwanzig <- tadaaaaaaa  Hard to pronunciate for italian people!!! XD So, can you teach us numbers? 
    My dcktss familyLucaLX (fratello gemello dinastico) Meitantei94 (fratello) Kristal (cognata; cugina) kudo (fratello) Court (cugina) ladyhattori (cugina) alfio (cugino) Silvy93 (cugina)
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« Risposta #28 inserita:: Venerdì 02 Novembre 2007, 14:48:10 » |
ou...did i forgott to write this number on my first post  i will write it down there yet  eh.. 25?...25 means fünfundzwanzig <- ^^...if you watch at the numbers in german you will see that you just have to conect some words i will explain it to you - its like that -> five means fünf in german twenty means zwanzig in german and now you just have to put a "and" between this two words wich means "und" in german -> so it has to be written in german like that : fünfundzwanzig <- tadaaaaaaa  Hard to pronunciate for italian people!!! XD So, can you teach us numbers?  lol  ..how do you mean that?...do you want to learn more numbers...or what do you want?: ) if i could record something on a CD...so that you can hear how its spoken in german it would be fine...but theres no way xDD
La paladina della giustizia!
Sherlock Holmes
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Hopeless HeijixKazuha shipper
« Risposta #29 inserita:: Venerdì 12 Settembre 2008, 19:23:56 » |
That's a good idea! I've always loved other languages! Mmmmh, in German I already know words like "Ich" and "Guten Tag"... So can I try to make my entertainment?
Hallo,mein name ist Kristal. Ich bin sechszehn jahre alt und komme aus.... Italien? Is that right?
Only two questions Shiho... what does "Vis geth es inen" means? Does it even have a sense? Oh, and I know that "est ich vorbei" means "it's over", doesn't it? (The "Nevada Tans" helps in that case)
Ok, I have nothing to say but thank you... Bye!