That's a good idea! I've always loved other languages!
Mmmmh, in German I already know words like "Ich" and "Guten Tag"...
So can I try to make my entertainment?
Hallo,mein name ist Kristal.
Ich bin sechszehn jahre alt und komme aus.... Italien? Is that right?
Only two questions Shiho... what does "Vis geth es inen" means? Does it even have a sense?
Oh, and I know that "est ich vorbei" means "it's over", doesn't it? (The "Nevada Tans" helps in that case)
Ok, I have nothing to say but thank you... Bye!
WOW Kristal! Thats perfect. You havent made any mistake.Everything was correct

Now the answers of your questions^^:
I think you only heared that sentences.With "Vis geth es inen" you mean the german sentences " Wie geht es Ihnen".And this sentence means "How are you".
Yes,your right. "Es ist vorbei" means "its over"

Ah Nevada Tan ^^ Theier a good band i think